The World Assembly of Youth (WAY)[1] is the coordinating body of national youth councils and organisations of over one-hundred national youth organizations from around the world. It was founded in 1949 in London, England.
WAY is modeled after the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations. WAY has general consultative status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations and works in close cooperation with several UN agencies including UNAIDS, UNEP, ILO, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF and WHO.
WAY works for promotion of youth and youth organisations in programme areas such as: youth employment, environment, human rights, democracy, population, health, drugs, community development and leadership training.
Miss Ediola Pashollari is WAY's current Secretary General.
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In 1949, an initiative was undertaken to establish a youth organisation to promote global cooperation and understanding amongst the young people of the world. Recognizing the need for a universal youth organization, youth leaders from national youth councils of all member countries of the United Nations were invited to attend an international conference in London . In August 1949, the international conference held at Westminster Hall in London established the World Assembly of Youth.
The draft charter, which had been prepared in February 1949 in Ashbridge, England, was ratified at the first official meeting of WAY in Brussels a year later. The meeting, organised by the Belgian Youth Council, was attended by more than 100 young people from 37 countries. The WAY Charter was ratified by 29 of the national youth councils present, and WAY began its work on behalf of the world youth community.
The WAY headquarters has moved throughout the years to various bases including Brussels, Paris, London and Copenhagen. In 1999, the WAY headquarters moved to Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and now has finally established its headquarters building, the World Youth Complex, in Melaka, a southern state of Malaysia.
1949-1952 President: Maurice Sauvé (Canada)
Secretary General: Paul Mercereau (France)
1952-1954 President: Guthrie Moir (Britain)
Secretary General: Paul Mercereau (France)
1954-1956 President: Guthrie Moir (Britain)
Secretary General: Helen M. Dale de Mestral (Britain)
1956-1958 President: Antoine Lawrence (Guinea)
Secretary General: Helen M. Dale de Mestral (Britain)
1958–1962 President: Ravindra Varma (India)
Secretary General: David Wirmark (Sweden)
1962 -1964 President: Carlos Delgado ( Peru )
Secretary General: David Wirmark ( Sweden )
1964–1966 President: Romeo Naione ( Canada )
Secretary General: Carl Axel Valen ( Sweden )
1966 -1969 President: Alessandro Berti ( Italy )
Secretary General: Jyoti Shankar Singh ( India )
1969 - 1972 President: Peter Shiedex ( Austria )
Secretary General: Jyoti Shankar Singh ( India )
1972 -1975 President: Thomas Sandiford ( Guyana )
Secretary General: Carlos Antonio Carrasco ( Bolivia )
1975 -1982 President: Ole Lovig Simonsen ( Denmark )
Secretary General: John Danquah ( Ghana )
1982 -1988 President: Ole Lovig Simonsen ( Denmark )
Secretary General: Shiv Khare ( India )
1988 -1993 President: Ole Lovig Simonsen ( Denmark )
Secretary General: Shiv Khare ( India )
1993–2000 President: Datuk Seri Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam ( Malaysia )
Secretary General: Heikki Pakarinen ( Finland )
2000–2004 President: Datuk Seri Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam ( Malaysia )
Secretary General: Donald Tinotenda Charumbira ( Zimbabwe )
2004–2007 President: Datuk Seri Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam ( Malaysia )
Secretary General: Donald Tinotenda Charumbira ( Zimbabwe )
2007–2010 President: Datuk Seri Mohd Ali bin Mohd Rustam ( Malaysia )
Secretary General: Ediola Pashollari ( Albania )
The paramount body of WAY is the General Assembly, which determines the policies and programs of the organisation. The General Assembly is convened every four years, and votes on the admission of new members and the adoption of policies. The General Assembly also elects the officers who are charged with the responsibility of implementing WAY's programs. The officers include the Bureau and the Executive Committee.[1]
The Executive Committee has 13 members. The present members are of 13 different nationalities from North and South, East and West. The Executive Committee is charged with the general administration of WAY and the implementation of programs drawn up by the General Assembly. The Executive Committee meets at least once a year.[1]
The Bureau consists of WAY's President and five Vice Presidents, who are elected at the General Assembly. The Bureau meets between meetings of the Executive Committee to review and supervise the work of the Secretariat.[1]
The Secretariat, headed by the Secretary General and support staff, carry out the daily work of the organisation in accordance with the guidelines established by the General Assembly and its elected bodies. The Secretariat of WAY is located in Melaka , Malaysia .[1]
The World Assembly of Youth recognises the Universal Declaration of Human Rights as the basis of its action and services. WAY promotes the work of youth organisations in areas such as: democracy, environment, human rights, population, health, drugs, community development, leadership training, and cultural and religious tolerance. It provides opportunities for youth representatives from different countries to exchange ideas and experiences, to coordinate program plans, and to reach a better understanding of each others' problems due to differences in racial, religious and national backgrounds.
Since its formation, WAY has increased its membership of national youth councils to the present 93 full members, from as many countries from all continents. Furthermore WAY has 7 associated members and 22 organizations of observer status.
The regional structure of the National Youth Councils in all the continents, Asian Youth Council, European Youth Forum, Caribbean Youth Forum, Forum for the Integration of Adean Youth, Pacific Youth Council, Arab Youth Union, Pan-African Youth Union, African-Arab Youth Council, SADC Youth Movement, are consultative members.
As the international coordinating body of national youth councils, WAY has consultative status 1 with the United Nations system, the highest status possible for a non-governmental organization. WAY co-operates with the UN and many of its special agencies, particularly with UNESCO, the UNFPA and the WHO.
WAY's funding is based on membership fees and other contributions from members. WAY's different projects has been funded by various UN agencies, government aid agencies and private foundations.[2]
- Increase inter-ethnic respect and to foster inter-cultural and international understanding and cooperation.
- Facilitate the collection of information about the needs and problems of youth.
- Disseminate information about the methods, techniques and activities of youth organisations.
- Promote the interchange of ideas between youth of all countries.
- Assist in the development of youth activities and to promote, by mutual aid, the extension of the work of voluntary youth organizations.
- Cooperate in the development of national youth councils of voluntary youth organizations.
- Establish and maintain relations with the international organisations, both voluntary and governmental.
- Support and encourage the national movements of non-self governing countries in their struggle for national liberation.
- Promote tolerance, understanding, solidarity and cooperation among young men and women irrespective of race, sex, language, religion or political orientation.
- Encourage the full participation of young men and women in the development process of their countries.
- Improve the equality between young men and women.
- Promote the democratic participation of young people both in their own organisations and in the life of society as a whole.
- Act as a representative body of national youth councils to the UN and other appropriate governmental and non-governmental international bodies.
The World Assembly of Youth has two main tasks:
To represent its members towards international organisations and institutions and promote the work of voluntary youth organisations all over the world. WAY deals with all issues affecting youth in international, regional and local level.
WAY organises events on global, regional, and national levels. These events are often carried out in co-orporation with other international youth organisations, regional youth structures or national affiliates. WAY's representatives participate in various UN working groups and other meetings promoting youth issues and the interests of member organisations.
The World Assembly of Youth has established a volunteers programme that seeks to develop a dedicated corps of young people who will be willing to assist in WAY programmes and activities around the world.
WAY established the World Youth Institute (WYI), with main function as a vehicle for education and training of young people around the world. The World Youth Institute is geared to be a leading institution for empowerment and capacity building through education, training and development programmes.